
Custom Brass Hardware Parts Manufacturing Methods Guide

Custom Brass Hardware Parts Manufacturing Methods Guide


Brass is a widely used metal that is often found in locks, door knobs, plaques, adaptors, and musical instruments like guitars. It is made by combining copper and zinc and is a versatile metal that balances strength and flexibility while being reasonably priced.

Moreover, it has a beautiful golden color and is easy to shape using CNC machining, casting, forging, and other manufacturing methods, making it a popular choice for everyday items such as accessories and interior decoration hardware fittings.

In this article, we will discuss and explain all the different aspects of brass, from its material grades to its unique characteristics, manufacturing process, and surface treatments.

What is brass as a material?

Brass is an alloy created from a combination of copper and iron. The ratio of zinc to copper can be varied to produce different types of copper alloys with different mechanical and electrical properties.

It is a copper alloy that substitutes the atoms of both components interchangeably in the same crystal structure. Therefore, brass is often called a copper-zinc alloy.

In appearance, brass has a color quite similar to the color of yellow metal. The shiny surface is under natural environmental conditions. However, depending on the zinc content in brass, the color will vary slightly.

1.) When the zinc content in brass is between 18-20%, the material has a red color.

2.) If the zinc content in brass is 20-30%, the material has a yellow-brown color.

3.) If the zinc content in brass is 30-42%, the material has a light yellow color.

4.) If the zinc content in brass is 50-60%, the material has a white-yellow color.

Why brass, you might ask? Well, brass has a combination of high qualities that make it an excellent material for a wide range of applications.

What is the reason for using brass in different parts and fittings?

Characteristics and properties of brass.

The following six characteristics and properties of brass not found in copper or other metals are listed below

a.) The beauty of color

b.) High electrical conductivity

c.) No metal toxicity

d.) Easy to process even complex shapes

e.) Excellent corrosion resistance\

f.) Relatively cheap

Brass is often used in everyday products such as well-designed interiors, accessories, and stationery because of its beautiful color tone and ease of processing. On the other hand, commercial applications include marine and architectural products and others.

Additionally, because of its high electrical conductivity, it is used in electrical outlets, connectors, and wiring equipment.

Brass parts also take full advantage of the properties of brass, which are:

1.) Easy to be cut into complex shapes

2.) It is corrosion resistant

3.) Brass is superior in terms of cost performance.


Brass Material Grades And Properties


In the world of brass, there is a family of different grades, each with unique characteristics and applications. Just like siblings within a family, each brass grade has its distinct personality, shaped by the varying proportions of copper and zinc, the two primary ingredients that make up this versatile alloy.

Brass (C2600)

C2600 is brass with a ratio of copper and zinc of 70:30. It has a high proportion of copper and has excellent drawing workability.

The main uses of C2600 are terminal connectors, wiring equipment, camera parts, etc.

Brass (C2680)

C2680 is brass with a 65:35 ratio of copper to zinc. Like C2600, it has good drawing workability and is used for deep drawing.

Like C2600, C2680 is used for terminal connectors, wiring devices, camera parts, etc.

Brass (C2801)

C2801 is a material also called 64 brass and refers to brass with a ratio of copper and zinc of 60:40. Although it has poor cold workability, it has excellent hot workability and strength and has good malleability.

The main uses of C2801 include sanitary pipes, mechanical parts, and wiring equipment.

Naval brass (C4641)

C4641 is made by adding a small amount of tin to brass. The brass of C4600 is also called “Naval brass.”

C4641 has good corrosion resistance and is used for marine parts and shafts. Tin increases hardness and strength but reduces elongation.

In which fields do people need brass fittings and parts?

Architectural Hardware

Brass has been a popular choice for architectural hardware for centuries due to its unique properties. Brass is a perfect material for door knobs, hinges, and decorative accents. Brass’s durability makes it suitable for high-traffic areas, such as entrances, bathrooms, and kitchens.

Marine Applications

Brass parts are popular in the marine industry. Seawater contains various chemicals that can corrode metals, but brass’s protective oxide layer effectively repels these corrosive agents. This makes brass ideal for marine fittings, plumbing components, and heat exchangers commonly exposed to seawater.

Electrical Industry

Brass plays a significant role in the electrical industry due to its excellent electrical conductivity. Brass connectors, terminals, and circuit breakers are the most common examples.

Manufacturing Methods of Brass Parts and Fittings.

Here are some commonly seen manufacturing methods for brass parts:

CNC Machining

CNC machining is used to create brass parts with great precision. There are different CNC machining methods, such as turning, milling, drilling, and grinding. Brass parts can be machined with great accuracy and efficiency. This method is also fast and can simultaneously produce parts in bulk.

The following types of brass grades are ideal for CNC machining:

1. Brass C360

2. Brass C230

3. Brass C220

As far as the surface finishing of brass parts is concerned in CNC machining, brass also has a natural finish. But, if we want to give it an external finish, we can use buffing, electroplating, honing, and powder coating.



In the Casting method, molten brass is poured into a mold to manufacture the desired shape. This process is further divided into two types:

1. Sand casting

2. Die casting.

We shall briefly explain both.

It won’t be wrong if we say sand casting is quite a simple and cost-effective process that manufacturers often use to make small batches of brass parts. A sand mold is created by packing sand around a particular pattern in this process. In the next step, molten brass is poured into the mold until it cools and solidifies.

Now, we come to die casting, a more complicated and expensive method to manufacture brass parts. There are generally six steps in die casting to make brass parts. These are:

1. Die preparation

2. Clamping

3. Injection Process

4. Cooling

5. Ejection

6. Trimming

Cold chamber and hot chamber die casting are two further processes. The cold chamber is generally used for metals that require high temperatures such as aluminum. On the other hand, hot chamber die casting is relevant and fast and used for metals that require low temperatures, such as zinc and brass.

One of the significant advantages of die-casting brass parts is that we can generally produce more precise parts with higher tolerances.


In forging, we apply heat and pressure to shape a desired brass part. The brass is first heated to a high temperature, placed in a die, and struck with a press. This process pushes the brass to flow into the shape of the required die.

Forging is a suitable method for producing high-quality brass parts. It is also an excellent way to make complex shapes that would be difficult to cast.

Surface Finishing Techniques for Brass Parts


Polishing plays an important role in the surface treatment of brass parts. This process makes the original rough brass surface achieve the required gloss, helping to limit oxidation and eliminate minor defects of brass products.

Polishing is often used for decorative brass items, such as doorknobs, hardware accents, and musical instruments.


Plating is a method to change the surface of metals and other substrates chemically. It protects against corrosion, enhances aesthetic qualities, resists scratches, and is one of the most durable surface finishes. Nickel and chrome are two common metals used for plating brass parts.

Kinsai: A Top Name of CNC Machining Brass Parts Manufacturer in China

We have 15 years of manufacturing metal parts and implementing a range of key methods, including:

1. Precision CNC Machining

2. Precision Grinding

3. Laser Cutting

4. casting

5. Welding and Drilling

6. Wire EDM Machining

Kinsai is the top name of CNC Machining Services in China. We accumulated rich experience in manufacturing high-quality custom machined brass parts and fittings for customers all over the world. If you have some brass fittings to be custom manufactured, you are welcome to contact us for further discussion and a quote.